Working with Artist Camille Baker on a prototype project around the female reproductive system. The piece is now live as a full version developed for the Oculus Quest and has been shown at various festivals and events by Camille. Visit the website Over several months in 2019, I worked with Camille to develop a series […]
When I’m walking home at night in the dark, I hold my key so it sticks out between my first and second finger in case I need to hit out at somebody. I stand up straight and tall, and put my hood up if I have one, so that from behind, it’s less obvious that […]
With Tanya Meditzky at ISEA 98, Manchester “The installation Stroke, by the Manchester artists Maf’j Alvarez and Tanya Meditzky (UK), got the viewer involved on a more subliminal level. After wandering in small cloth-lined spaces, I sat on a low stool to look at a screen through a hole in the wall. I put my […]
Mammary Mountain is an intimate performative, VR experience created in collaboration with artists Tara Baoth Mooney and Camille Baker that explores disease within the body through the experience of breast cancer. This innovative new artwork uses cutting-edge technology to creatively explore and expose women’s healthcare struggles, particularly the hidden experiences of breast cancer treatment, with […]
Three Sisters’ is an installation using fibre optics and plastic which looks towards pre-colonial native American traditions in planting to reveal stories about women and technology Corn, beans and squash are three inseparable sisters who according to Native American legend and folklore are the sustainers of life. Eaten together they provide all vital nutritional elements […]