With Tanya Meditzky Stoke Newington Festival London 2002 “Want to get an abandoned car towed away quickly? Then turn it into an art installation and wait for bosses at Hackney council to do the job three days early, ruining your exhibition in the process. That is what happened to a group of artists who wanted […]
Play Panopticon and become a data controller! build your data empire, the tallest tower from which to view the entire internet and control how content and personal data moves. You may have good intentions, or bad ones. Behind the virtual air we breathe are the people who control us – the battle for data and […]
With Hannah Barker Dry Bar, Manchester, 1998 A collaboration with Hannah Barker exploring interpersonal relationships and the sexual tension existing in public spaces. A site specific soft sculpture installation in 5 pieces.
A house for a fly is an intimate room scale VR experience that tells the story of Lila, a 6-year-old girl who discovers she is locked in a room with only a sleeping baby and a fly for to keep her company. Sweet and compelling, you are drawn into a bedroom in a rural mountain […]
Power Babies VR is an all-out nappy-slinging world domination war game that brings out the egotistical power-hungry toddler in all of us. Part VR game prototype, part political satire piece, the experience was made at a two-day hackathon in 2019. Power Babies VR puts you in the baby seat of the world’s most powerful toddlers […]
Warbells is an emotionally rich, interactive VR experience about loss, destruction and transformation, during a time of rapid global change. Commissioned by the Vorarlberg Museum in Austria, Warbells commemorates the end WW1 from a completely new perspective that lets you experience historical events, space and time in sound and vision. “War Bells is one of […]
Working in collaboration with Sussex University Quantum Ion Technology group to develop a creative VR experience featuring the prototype Quantum computer being developed by the group. We’re busy at the National Quantum Technologies Showcase in London today with our #VR demo of the trapped ion #quantum computer in collaboration with @PhysicsAtSussex @SPQRsussex it’s going down […]
“We were awkward with each other. We no longer had the assumptions, the tracks and paths of our former relationship to guide us. Until we’d established the new assumptions we wouldn’t know quite what to do or say.” Margaret Atwood – the edible woman Originally the piece was called Cursory Glances. The reference was on reflected and […]
With Tanya Meditzky at The Lowry, 2000
Choice, Chance and Circumstance – Newcastle Graft, Waygood Gallery 2003 Choice, Chance and Circumstance is an ever drawing evolving game that brings people together to explore themes of decision-making, ownership, communication, boundaries, information and belief. The wider themes are of power and control on all scales from the individuals internal dialog with the world and […]
WordPress Themes by Graph Paper Press